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Terri Yoga logo
Terri in casual clothes doing a warrior 3 yoga pose


Aargh where to start.. there’s a longer version of this in me, but for now I’ll just headline it for you.
Mother of two with a background in fashion & styling. On my days off you’ll still find me cruising Selfridges.
As is common, I came to yoga later as a way of managing my excesses and mental health. I’ve done countless rounds of CBT over the years which has kind of made me an indirect expert in the art of reframing thoughts, which has in turn translated beautifully into the art of teaching yoga. Or at least managing intense situations, identifying sensations and feelings (yoga :-)). Or teaching people how to change their mood on demand.
Terri laughing while strolling around Gunnersbury park on her day off
Terri looking at the camera smiling in-front of the pond at Gunnersbury park

Good sensa-tions

Yoga Teacher Training happened in the wake of having children. I did my 200hr Ashtanga Vinyasa course  in Regents Park with Yoga London in 2016 and I regularly top up my knowledge by attending CBDs with Bo Forbes, Adam Husler, Susanne Lahusen & Ayala Homassany, and hitting the mat every week with my favourite teachers: Aram Raffy, Sylvia Garcia & Marcus Veda.
I’m on a bit of a personal mission to make yoga more accessible to people on a low-income and am always on the lookout for low-rent premises that I can turn into my next yoga community.
I am a fiercely competitive runner and lover of dance music and nightclub environment (which I suppose are just other forms of moving meditation).
Yoga has been my longtime toolkit for life: managing my addictions, my hormones, cravings and my kids. Getting physically fit and strong is just a bonus.
Terri in her favourite polka dot skirt doing a forward fold yoga pose
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